I am in the process of revising and editing the first draft of my novel. Actually, only the first part of my novel (it's not even finished yet). I had the insatiable need to edit it, so I gave in today when I realized I wouldn't get any actual writing done if I didn't edit.
There are some things I already knew on my own (spelling and general easy stuff) and there are other things I got help with, either from some critiquers (Scribophile - a wonderful writer's community) or from reading the many helpful blogs on the Internet. I thought I'd share some of the most helpful posts I've come across so far.
- Do you filter your fiction? - I wasn't even aware of this term until I saw it mentioned at Scrib. I looked it up and I realized I was guilty of this. Not a whole lot of it was in my story, but still, I did catch some.
- Filter Words - Another helpful post on filtering. This one features a list of some of the more common ones to avoid.
- Overwriting - Something else to watch out for.
- Cut the Flab - A post on how to make every word count.
That's it for tonight! I may post more as I go along on this journey of revision and editing. In the meantime, I hope you find these links helpful in your revision process.
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